The 24 Games Of Christmas! Day #13: Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Megamix+

Then one foggy Christmas eve, Santa came to say...

2 mins read

It’s that time of year, friends! The house is filled with greens and reds, the music channels all start dropping the Wham, Buble and Mariah, the fridge fills up with eggnog and we gorge ourselves on fruit mince pie. It’s such a special time of year!

We love the season at DDNet, and one of the best things about it is that it’s also the perfect time to catch up on some games. When you’re not juggling parties and gatherings, it’s a slower time for work and it’s easier to steal a bit of time on the side to play something new, or finally get through that game that you stalled on.

Each year at DDNet we run a “games of Christmas” list, that works just like an advent calendar. We count down to Christmas by sharing one game recommendation for the season each day. Crank up the Jingle Bells and get into the spirit of the season with these!

Day #13: Hatsune Miku: Project Diva Megamix+ (Read our review here)

Hatsune Miku: says all her games are must-plays

I see Hatsune Miku and I recommend people buy Hatsune Miku. Who knows when SEGA will ever get around to making another Hatsune Miku game though with nearly 7,000 reader reviews for the Steam version, which came out years after everyone already bought it on consoles you would have to assume SEGA knows there is demand. While we hope against hope, though, there is the Steam port of the very excellent Mega Mix, with an absolutely enormous range of music tracks to choose between (over 170) and the comfort of being able to play it with just about any controller that best suits you.

There’s also the ability to get mods with the PC version of the game, which is a great touch and a reason to buy it again if you already own it on console. But putting it simply – this is one of the greatest rhythm games of all time (if not the greatest), and whether you’re playing it for the first time or logging your 1,000th hour, it’s as essential in 2022 as ever.

Matt S. is the Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of DDNet. He's been writing about games for over 20 years, including a book, but is perhaps best-known for being the high priest of the Church of Hatsune Miku.

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