Boku no Natsuyasumi, known in English as the ‘My Summer Vacation’ series has been in development by Millennium Kitchen and has been around since 2000, though never with an English release. That all changed with a Switch title last week, and now it’s coming to PlayStation 4 too.
According to a PlayStation Store listing, the game will release on that platform on August 25. That game will also release on Epic Games store and Steam.
This is actually quite exciting news. Crayon Shin-chan, the character at the heart of the My Summer Vacation series, has been a popular anime and manga character for a very long time. What’s more, the one and only Millennium Kitchen game to get an English localisation previously, Attack of the Friday Monsters, was exceptional. This developer clearly has talent.
So, if you’re needing a short respite from the busy bustle of your everyday life, perhaps your interest will be piqued by following the story of Shinnosuke’s Summer vacation of new friendships with the local villagers, and the beautiful fields and mountains of Asso, Kumamoto.