Stray: Short games are good, actually – Digitally Downloaded

Stray: Short games are good, actually

Quality over quantity, folks.

1 min read

The game of this week has, without a doubt, been Stray. The cyberpunk adventure game about a cat in a world of robots has been winning hearts and minds over, and people haven’t stopped talking about it all week.

But the game has caused one other line of discourse to re-emerge. The age-old argument that somehow a “short” game isn’t worth the money and that the amount of “content” you get in a game determines its value.

In this video, we challenge that idea (Also, check out our review!).


Matt S. is the Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of DDNet. He's been writing about games for over 20 years, including a book, but is perhaps best-known for being the high priest of the Church of Hatsune Miku.

  • I prefer short games. If you recommend something to me that’s 50+ hours you’ll have a long time convincing me.

    • Any game can become a short game if you simply quit once you get bored. Endings are overrated anyway.

      • I read somewhere, many (many) years ago that humans are hard-wired to seek out a conclusion to things they witness, and there can be a subtle anxiety involved in, for example, having a song that you’re listening to cut off half-way through.

        Whatever the science and psychology behind that was, I long ago overcame it when it comes to video games <_<.

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