24 Games Of Christmas! Day #9: Bravely Default II – Digitally Downloaded

24 Games Of Christmas! Day #9: Bravely Default II

2 mins read

As has become an annual tradition at DDNet, we are here to help you count down towards Christmas! One new game every day for the 24 days from December 1 to Christmas Eve. Think of it as a kind of Advent Calendar, if you will, giving you new tips and ideas for games to pick up and play at that rare time of year where everyone does have a little more time to indulge their favourite hobbies.

Also, it’s an excuse to post pictures of cute anime girls in Christmas gear every day. I won’t deny that we love doing that too.

Day #9: Bravely Default II

This recommendation is more for the oldies among us, but who else remembers waking up on Christmas Day, sussing out our Christmas presents under the tree, and then, with shaking hands, finding the box-sized gift that we knew contained a new game to play? And then shakily discovering a new RPG or JRPG within, and rushing to the console or PC to immerse ourselves in an all-new adventure and universe?

That’s what Bravely Default II taps into at this time of year. It’s a gloriously traditional JRPG, built exactly the way we remember (and love) and mainly for us. Throw the game on its highest difficulty and get ready for a healthy grind and hundreds upon hundreds of classic adventuring. What better way to unwind and count down the days to Christmas than reliving that particular childhood memory?

This is the bio under which all legacy DigitallyDownloaded.net articles are published (as in the 12,000-odd, before we moved to the new Website and platform). This is not a member of the DDNet Team. Please see the article's text for byline attribution.

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