24 Games Of Christmas! Day #10: Game Builder Garage – Digitally Downloaded

24 Games Of Christmas! Day #10: Game Builder Garage

2 mins read

As has become an annual tradition at DDNet, we are here to help you count down towards Christmas! One new game every day for the 24 days from December 1 to Christmas Eve. Think of it as a kind of Advent Calendar, if you will, giving you new tips and ideas for games to pick up and play at that rare time of year where everyone does have a little more time to indulge their favourite hobbies.

Also, it’s an excuse to post pictures of cute anime girls in Christmas gear every day. I won’t deny that we love doing that too.

Day #10: Game Builder Garage
(Read our review here)

Like most people in my generation, I have fond memories of getting LEGO sets for Christmas, and then sitting down with my parents to figure out how to build the thing. LEGO was always great for inspiring the imagination, teaching some valuable skills… and chewing up a good chunk of the morning on Christmas Day.

Nintendo’s whimsical builder toy is a bit like that. It teaches the basics of game development – or at least the logic of game development – and then allows people to play around and quickly see the results of their work. Kids can have their own little game up and running in an hour or so. Parents can enjoy the process of creating with their kids without needing a degree in coding themselves. It’s the perfect toy to get stuck right into in the leadup to Christmas.

This is the bio under which all legacy DigitallyDownloaded.net articles are published (as in the 12,000-odd, before we moved to the new Website and platform). This is not a member of the DDNet Team. Please see the article's text for byline attribution.

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