Release date and details for the A Week on the Water Dee Dee visual novel! – Digitally Downloaded

Release date and details for the A Week on the Water Dee Dee visual novel!

3 mins read

News by Matt S.

I know I’ve been teasing, hinting, dropping tidbits and teasing some more for what feels like forever, but after about a year, A Week on the Water is entering its final chapter of development. And now I’m thrilled to announce a release date! The game lands on January 22, 2022, and that’s not all… we’ve got a special edition this time around.

See, the previous Dee Dee visual novels were very much hobbyist in tone. I loved working on them, but they were really designed as a gift to Patreon backers rather than a out-and-out commercial project. A Week on the Water is different. It features absolutely gorgeous art, a complete OST, many (many) more words than the previous VNs, puzzles and more gamey elements, and is just generally everything that you would expect from any other commercial VN. We might not be challenging Otomate just yet for the title at the very top of the genre, but this is a big step forwards for us.

So much so that we’ve even put together a special edition. We’re calling it the “Dee Dee Fan” edition, and it contains plenty of goodies, as highlighted by the poster below:

So in summary, the Dee Dee Fan edition includes:

  • The game itself
  • A digital artbook, including behind-the-scenes sketches and the “making of” the art
  • The OST, featuring nine tracks of music (you’re really going to love this music)
  • Six issues of the Dee Dee Zine (July 2020 – January 2021)

With the base game having an RRP of $Aus20, the Dee Dee Fan Edition will be $Aus35. And here’s where I share the really great news for Patreon backers. Not only do you get the monthly magazine each month as part of your support, but you’ll also get the game – even if you’re just supporting us to the tune of $1/month! Furthermore, since you get the base game as part of your support of us via Patreon, and the Dee Dee Zines, you’ll be able to buy the rest of the Dee Dee Fan edition (if you want it) for just $Aus10. And if you don’t want the art book and music, you’ll still be able to enjoy the game at no further cost.

Pretty good deal, right? I really can’t wait for you to get your hands on this. A Week on the Water is a light and bubbly comedy about 80’s movies and friends hanging out. You’ll have a good chuckle and get a sense of the future – or generation 2.0, if you will – of this Dee Dee VN project.

– Matt S.
Find me on Twitter: @mattsainsb

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