THE Card Battle: Eternal Destiny: So much fan service your nose will bleed – Digitally Downloaded

THE Card Battle: Eternal Destiny: So much fan service your nose will bleed

1 min read

Video by Matt S.

THE Card Battle: Eternal Destiny is a new release on Nintendo Switch. One thing is immediately obvious about this game – it is very, very fanservicey. This is a game that wears its heart on its sleeve, and if the idea of collecting 600+ cards featuring anime girls in various stages of undress appeals to you, then this game has you very much covered.

It’s a pity that the presentation and localisation is so B-grade, but once you push past that hurdle, this game is a nice, simple, casual card game. I know there are a lot of great Switch releases right now – don’t rest on this one!

Matt S.
Find me on Twitter: @mattsainsb

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