This month’s Dee Dee Zine is available now

2 mins read

News by Matt S.

We’re three months into the Dee Dee Zine now, and it is going from strength to strength. I honestly think that this is the best issue yet, and if you’re into games, art, and culture from Japan, you’re going to get a real kick from this month’s magazine!

Features this month include:

– On the way that JRPGs use the theme of “travel”
– In-depth with the Rurouni Kenshin film series
– Osamu Dazai and No Longer Human: Japan’s greatest novel of pure misery
– Final Fantasy X-2: It’s there for deep reasons
– On a classic Capcom action game that really needs a comeback
– An interview with the creator of avant-garde masterpiece VN Cross the Moon
– All our regular features: Photo of the month, drink of the month, games to look forward to next month, comics
– And more!

It is an absolutely packed magazine, and best of all – it costs almost nothing to enjoy it! All you need to do is support on Patreon. That you can do for just a dollar per month, making this the cheapest magazine subscription you’ll ever find. Not just that but you’ll also be supporting all of DDNet’s videos, streams, and, of course, everything that you find on this website.

For all Patreon backers, the magazine will be available on Sunday, the 18th. Have a great weekend, everyone, and thanks as always for your ongoing support!

– Matt S.
Find me on Twitter: @mattsainsb

This is the bio under which all legacy articles are published (as in the 12,000-odd, before we moved to the new Website and platform). This is not a member of the DDNet Team. Please see the article's text for byline attribution.

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