Serious Sam Collection: Why I Love These Games – Digitally Downloaded

Serious Sam Collection: Why I Love These Games

1 min read

Video by Matt S. 

Serious Sam Collection brings together ports of the first, second, and third in the series, along with all the DLC. It’s a big package of wildly entertaining run-and-gun shooty times, and exactly the right kind of shooter for the Nintendo Switch platform.

In this video, I discuss why I enjoy Serious Sam so much (even though I’m not a huge fan of FPSers), and the merits of these games on the Nintendo Switch. Let me know your own thoughts if you’re a fan of the series!

(I would have loved a port of the RPG thing that they did as well. The Third Encounter? Something like that. Would have been the perfect bonus. Ah well.)

– Matt S. 
Find me on Twitter: @mattsainsb

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