Want to write or make videos about games? Come join the DDNet team! – Digitally Downloaded

Want to write or make videos about games? Come join the DDNet team!

3 mins read

News by Matt S. 

At DDNet, we take great pride in being a vocal, alternative voice in video games. Across our reviews, features, videos, podcasts and visual novels, we are committed to providing a genuine resource for people who enjoy their games a little creative and artistic, love games out of Asia, and love the indie scene. We’re now looking for more talented writers to lend their own voices to what we’re doing.

To be upfront about this though: We haven’t got a budget for writers right now. That’s not us being exploitative so some of us can profit from your words. No one draws an income from DDNet, including the editor and owner (i.e. me), as what little the site does make from the visual novels, YouTube channel advertising, and Patreon, is plugged directly into supporting the growth of the site. 

With that being said, we are trying to develop additional revenue streams, and it is our promise that the first people to earn money from the site will be the writers.

On top of that, over the last ten years a great number of previous (and current) DDNet writers have gone on to find paid work within games or the broader industry, and we take pride in our role as both talent development and helping you build your portfolio/find opportunities in writing. Additionally, there are no obligations in terms of what you commit to the site – you’re doing this because you love games. We don’t want to make it work for anyone. Write an article once per month or once per day – whatever role you want to play on the site will be greatly valued and appreciated. 

We do of course provide review codes to our writers and can secure you opportunities to attend events, conduct interviews with game developers, and generally run with whatever ideas you might have – we’re an open and creative team and we’re very interested in whatever it is about games that interest you!

So if you are interested in reviewing games, creating videos, or participating in any of the other many things that we do at DDNet, just drop me a note at matts@digitallydownloaded.net, with a bit of information on who you are, your interest in the site, and perhaps an example or two of your writing. There’s no experience required, and we would deeply love to help you take those first steps into game writing if you’re completely new to this all.

Feel free to send me an email if you have any questions as well!

– Matt and the DDNet team.

This is the bio under which all legacy DigitallyDownloaded.net articles are published (as in the 12,000-odd, before we moved to the new Website and platform). This is not a member of the DDNet Team. Please see the article's text for byline attribution.

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