a-demo-for-sade-my-time-with-dee-dee-vn – Digitally Downloaded


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News by Matt S.

So, I’ve got good news – I’m finally able to provide Patreon backers with a demo for Sade: A My Time With Dee Dee VN. This demo will give you the first (in-game) day of the five-day narrative, so you are getting a good chunk of the overall experience, and hopefully, by the end of it, you’ll get a sense of the mysteries and themes at play. The demo includes three distinct decisions to make, and while the full ramifications of those are beyond the scope of the demo, they will all have an impact in the final game. You’ll also be able to trigger one ending, though there are another eight (if not more) to look forward to in the final game.

Now, a note:

This should go without saying given that the game is inspired by Marquis de Sade and explores themes related to him through it, but in the interest of full disclosure: Sade may well come across as uncomfortable at points. There’s a moral nihilism at the core of Sade’s writing, and there’s value to it, as the full VN explores. You’re going to hate some characters, and some scenes will likely come across as eye-opening. My goal is, of course, to explore it, and themes of transgression as an artistic subject rather than exploitative, but I want you to be prepared going in – if there are parts that come across as intense or shocking, then I’ve delivered what I was looking to with this one.

It is, of course, a risk tackling such a transgressive subject, but I do strongly believe that I can create something here that will be both challenging on the mind, and interesting. I just hope that what I’ve got swirling around in my head works out “on paper”, and that you do find this enjoyable.

Get access by backing us on Patreon:

For as little as $1/month, you can back us on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/MattSainsb. Doing so supports all the videos, reviews, articles, podcasts and games that we create at DDNet, and gets you access to all the VNs and other exclusive bits that we provide as we go along. The demo download will be available for the next seven days, so you should jump on in and grab it as soon as you can!

I really, really can’t wait to start chatting about this game with you all. If nothing else, if it generates discussion then I’ve done my job with it!

– Matt S. 
Find me on Twitter: @mattsainsb

This is the bio under which all legacy DigitallyDownloaded.net articles are published (as in the 12,000-odd, before we moved to the new Website and platform). This is not a member of the DDNet Team. Please see the article's text for byline attribution.

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