tricky-towers-oldie-but-goodie-for – Digitally Downloaded


1 min read

Video by Matt S.

Tricky Towers has been hanging around for quite some time, but the good people at Super Rare Games have picked it up for a limited physical release on Nintendo Switch. They shot me over a copy to play around with, so here’s a video of that!

I’ve been playing Tricky Towers (very causally) on and off for a few years now on PC, and it’s a really great inversion of Tetris. What it’s best known for is the multiplayer experience, but it actually has an excellent single-player game which is not as often talked about. So I’ve created this video to give you a quick look at why this is worth picking up, even if you’re not usually into the single-player thing.

Thanks as always for watching!

– Matt S. 
Find me on Twitter: @mattsainsb

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