nisas-void-terrarium-is-looking-gorgeous – Digitally Downloaded


1 min read

News by Matt S.

NISA has released a new gameplay trailer for its upcoming Void Terrarium, a roguelike thing that looks like it’ll also have plenty of smarts behind it. You play as a robot-thing and your job is to protect Toriko – a young girl that badly needs supplies from a hostile wasteland in order to survive… and she needs them fast.

The game looks wonderfully melancholic and dark. From the trailer’s description: “As Toriko’s guardian and caretaker, it is up to you to make sure she survives…no matter what it takes. Explore the wastes of the outside world, overcome traps and dangerous foes using Special Abilities and Roles, and obtain precious materials to feed, medicate, and shelter the last remaining human. Can you prevail, even when all hope is lost?”

Void Terrarium releases July 14, 2020 for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.

– Matt S. 
Find me on Twitter: @mattsainsb

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