pathologic-2-and-plague-inc-two-games – Digitally Downloaded


1 min read

Video by Matt S.

With COVID-19 running rampant across the planet, it makes sense that a lot of people have pandemics on the mind, and indeed that Soderbergh film, Contagion, is having a whole new lease on life.

There are video games that deal with the social and logistical concerns that pandemics pose, too. Pathologic 2 recently released on PlayStation 4, and is a brutal, powerful, evocative look into the social impact of a population being destroyed by disease.

Plague Inc 2, meanwhile, models how a pandemic spreads, and how humanity moves to counter it.

Given that the world is the way it is now, these two games have become poignant in a way that no one wanted them to. So in this video I take a look at what these games are saying, and why everyone should be playing them.

Thanks as always for tuning in!

– Matt S. 
Find me on Twitter: @mattsainsb

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