Hunt: Showdown is great fun… but should have been single player – Digitally Downloaded

Hunt: Showdown is great fun… but should have been single player

1 min read

Video by Matt S.

As a fan of horror, I was really keen to check Hunt: Showdown out, now that it has finally landed on PlayStation 4. Crytek’s multiplayer horror-em-up always looked like it was going to deliver something special as a deep south B-grade Gothic horror experience.

Unfortunately, while the game is a lot of fun (and one of the rare multiplayer games I can see myself playing in the long term), it’s also a game in which the gameplay design, and the sheer effort to pigeonhole it into specific formulas, has come at the expense of its thematic quality.

In this video I discuss why I think Hunt could have been so much more effective were it a single player, narrative-driven experience.

– Matt S. 
Find me on Twitter: @mattsainsb

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