Here’s a new trailer for that Dark Crystal tactics RPG – Digitally Downloaded

Here’s a new trailer for that Dark Crystal tactics RPG

1 min read

News by Matt S. 

I was less than impressed by the Stranger Things licensed tie-in game. So much so that my initial enthusiasm when I heard that Netflix was bringing a licensed tie-in to The Dark Crystal was dampened considerably after playing Stranger Things. But, nonetheless, as a Dark Crystal fan it’s not like I have a choice here: I am going to have to play this thing. Thankfully, it does look better. Much better.
Tactics RPG is the perfect genre for The Dark Crystal, and this new trailer shows off some of the characters that you’ll get to take control of. As you’ll see, they’re very faithful adaptations from the TV series indeed. 
Environments and such look good too – in fact, this is a good-looking game in general. It just depends how effectively it captures the storytelling and other qualities that made the show so good. That’s what let down Stranger Things, after all.

– Matt S. 
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