Here’s a bittersweet teaser for the Defiant Development game that may never be finished – Digitally Downloaded

Here’s a bittersweet teaser for the Defiant Development game that may never be finished

2 mins read

News by Matt S. 

The Australian games industry was rocked by the news today that one of its most prominent and respected developers, Defiant Development, is closing up shop. The team behind Hand of Fate and its sequel are packing up their desks, and the industry just lost one of its best.

The company’s next project was to be A World In My Attic, which was clearly still in an early stage of development, but even it its current state showed off everything that we had come to love about Defiant Development: A love of classical fantasy mixed with tabletop RPG sensibilities.

It was set to come in the first quarter of 2021. That, obviously, is no longer the case, and unless Defiant were to pass the project on to another developer, this footage here may well be all we ever see of a game.

Beyond the human cost of today’s announcement – with a whole team of developers now looking for work – the thing that crushes me about indie development is how many wonderful ideas go unrealised, and how many projects are unfinished. If you love games, take this as a reminder to please support indies. Don’t wait for their games to end up in bundles or discounted during Steam sales; most indie developers work on frighteningly thin margins, and it’s the people that buy their games at full price that are the ones actually supporting them.

– Matt S. 
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