there-is-one-new-nintendo-3ds-game – Digitally Downloaded


2 mins read

News by Matt S. 

The 3DS is well and truly a legacy console now. It’s still brilliant, of course, with hundreds of great games to play on it, but in terms of new stuff, there’s just not much left to look forward to. With one exception.

The first Persona Q was brilliant (read our review here). Mixing the cast of Persona 3 and Persona 4 with the Etrian Odyssey dungeon crawling action, it was by turns funny, challenging, and the most delightful way to enjoy your favourite characters (Risette) all over again. On June 4, Atlus will release Persona Q2, which is much the same… only now with the cast of Persona 5 thrown in there as well.

The game takes place in a “cinema world” too, and we’re being promised all kinds of film references as we play along. Once would assume that means predominantly Hollywood film references, as they’ll be easier to “get”, but it would be pretty cool if there were some nods to Kurosawa and even Sion Sono in there. For the real movie buffs.

There’s a new trailer too! Don’t forget to dust off that 3DS in early June, because this will be one of the highlights of the year!

– Matt S. 
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