Christmas is on the way! It’s time to adorn the tree with dazzling lights, bust out the obligatory TV specials, and gobble festive treats faster than the chef in your family can put them down. More importantly, it’s a precious opportunity to ditch your routine and bask in the company of those you hold dearest.
When you’re thinking about party games to play while being social this Christmas season, you’re probably going to be thinking about Smash Bros. Or perhaps you’ll whip out a copy of Mario Kart (because that game will never get old). You might even grab a couple of digital board games to play (because physical board games involve too many pieces, damnit).
But Taiko No Tatsujin is one you should not overlook. Firstly, the sheer joy that infuses every moment in that game is the perfect match for Christmas, a time where joy is meant to be the key emotion shared and experienced. More than that, though, Taiko No Tatsujin is the perfect multiplayer experience, as you and a friend sweat out over the slightest mistakes on music drawn from JPop through videogames, vocaloid through anime.
Grab it on the PlayStation 4, or grab it on the Switch. Both versions have slightly different tracklists, but both are equally brilliant. Either way, do make sure you grab it.