News by Matt C.
Every week, there are approximately 42453235 announcements for Switch ports of previously-released games. That’s great news for Switch owners, bad news for our wallets, and awful news for Lindsay, DDNet’s news editor.
Here’s a quick and dirty list of new Switch port announcements from this week:
- Screencheat: Unplugged (November 29) (PS4 review)
- Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet (TBA) (PS4 review)
- SEGA AGES Outrun (early 2019)
- Peace, Death! Complete Edition (available now)
- ACA NeoGeo King of the Monsters 2 (available now)
- Zeus Quest Remastered (available now)
- Nidhogg 2 (available now) (PS4 review)
- Party Hard (available now)
- Steamburg (available now)
- Please, Don’t Touch Anything (available now)
- Warframe (available now)
- kuso (available now)
- Frag doch mal… die Maus! (available now)
- Gnomes Garden (available now)
- Julie’s Sweets (available now)
- Horizon Chase Turbo (available now, NA)
- Super Hydorah (available now, NA) (PC review)
Screencheat: Unplugged is going to be an essential for anyone who likes to use their Switch as a portable party game machine. It’s a fantastic game that cleverly turns “screen cheating”—that is, looking at an opponent’s screen in a split-screen game to figure out their location—into a core game mechanic.
Dead or Alive 3 Xtreme: Scarlet is also going to be an interesting one. It’s almost certainly not getting an official Western release, but the PlayStation 4 version got an English release in the Asia region, so it’s possible that we could see the same happen on Switch. Playing on the train is sure to get some curious reactions from other passengers…
What are you most looking forward to?
(Important note: we’re not including announcements of Switch as a platform for upcoming games, which would usually get their own news coverage anyway. This is list is purely for announcements of Switch ports / re-releases and the like.)