Dead or Alive has a new character (sort of) – Digitally Downloaded

News by Matt S. 

Over in Japan, there’s a PC version of the rather voyeurtastic (I’m trademarking that word) Dead or Alive Xtreme 3. And on that version of the game (which is formally called Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation), Koei has produced another new character, Tamaki.

Yes, while fans of some of the other Dead or Alive women (Lei Fang, in particular) are still waiting for them to appear in Dead or Alive Xtreme, Koei Tecmo is busily producing other characters.

What’s perhaps most amusing about this though is that Koei’s new habit for Dead or Alive seems to be taking virtual idols and making “Dead or Alive”-style replicas of them in its games. Honoka, of Dead or Alive 5: Last Round fame onwards (she also appears in Xtreme 3 and Venus Vacation) is explicitly based on Love Live’s Honoka. Tamaki, meanwhile, is pretty obviously Kaede from the Idolm@ster series. It’s the hair that gives it away.

Hatsune Miku next, please.

Anyhow, you can grab Venus Vacation from the DMM Game Portal in Japan. Don’t expect Tamaki to come to the PlayStation 4 version of Xtreme 3… but perhaps she’ll show up in the next “proper” Dead or Alive game, whenever that happens.

– Matt S.
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