DDNet does Japan 2017! It starts this week! – Digitally Downloaded

DDNet does Japan 2017! It starts this week!

3 mins read

Article by Matt S. 

Hi all, just a quick note to say that it’s that time of year again! I’m heading over to Japan for a month or so to go to Hatsune Miku concerts, TGS, and go discover new things about the country I haven’t experienced yet.

As always, I’ll do doing daily posts about my time over there, complete with plenty of photos that I’ll take along the way. I even have a new camera and stuff, so it should be fun!
And of course, if you have any questions about Japan, or what I get up to, please do speak up. One of the things I care about a great deal is highlighting that Japan has an impossibly deep history that goes far further than Samurai Warriors, and offers so much to do that doesn’t involve eating sushi and hitting up Akihabara. I’ll be doing plenty of the touristy stuff too, but I always try and visit new and different locations within the country why I stay there, away from the beaten track and tourist trail, and I hope that side of things is interesting to you. 
Of course, while I’m there, there will be a little disruption to the usual flow of what we do at DDNet. Don’t worry – along with the daily journal, we’ve got plenty of interesting stuff planned, but if reviews are slower than normal or less frequent, apologies in advance. Of course, we’ve got a great team of writers at DDNet who will be covering all the big stuff, but as I’ll be out and about, my capacity as editor will be a little more limited than I’d like. 
But anyway, it’s going to be a great month. Japan is the best.
P.S: These trips to Japan are incredibly expensive, and while they in part a holiday for me – the only holiday I really take – , I also do try and make them a “value-add” for all our wonderful readers, because I know how much Japan interests many of you, and I know some of you have found interesting places to visit and things to do in your own trips to Japan from these journals. If you feel like I’m doing a good job – or that the site in general have been useful to you with its often fierce independence, please do consider supporting me on my Patreon. Even a dollar a month is really appreciated; it shows people care enough about what I’ve dedicated so much of my professional career to doing, and really does make it all worthwhile. The link’s just below here. 
– Matt S.
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