I Am Setsuna’s first gameplay trailer is revealed – Digitally Downloaded

I Am Setsuna’s first gameplay trailer is revealed

1 min read

News by Lindsay M.

Stop everything. You must see this trailer now. It is urgent.

The first gameplay trailer for I Am Setuna has dropped, and for the first time we get to experience a small taste of the art, music, and story of the game.

My first thought on the trailer was, “the music, oh the music, I need more.” As the trailer continued, I realized that I Am Setsuna is set up to be everything I want from an RPG; not only that, but it just feels right. Are my hopes to high for this game? Perhaps. Do I care? Not in the slightest.

Related reading: It was around this time last year that we first heard of I Am Setuna, codenamed Project Setsuna. Read a recap of Square Enix’s 2015 E3 press conference here.

For those out of the loop, I Am Setsuna the debut title from Tokyo RPG Factory. The RPG promises a Chrono Trigger inspired battle system — and that’s not a game title that gets thrown around lightly. The game’s design harks back to the golden era of JRPGs.

I Am Setuna is coming to PC (via Steam) and PlayStation 4 on July 19.

– Lindsay M.
News Editor

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