The Friday Ten: The top ten reasons to be excited for PlayStation VR – Digitally Downloaded

The Friday Ten: The top ten reasons to be excited for PlayStation VR

2 mins read

List by Matt S. 

There’s been a lot of news about PlayStation VR this week, after Sony formally announced the release month (October), and price ($550-odd Australian). It’s a premium priced product, so naturally people have been discussing in great depth whether PlayStation VR is “worth it” or not.

I’m not going to weigh into that discussion. Whether the PlayStation VR is worth it or not depends entirely on whether it (and virtual reality in general) appeals to you. But it does appeal to me. A great deal, and I’ve known I would buy the headset on Day 1 from the first time I used it, at TGS two years ago.

Instead, I’m going to use the Friday Ten this week to highlight the top ten reasons that I am so very excited for PlayStation VR. You’ll probably notice a common theme below, but hey, it is what it is. So, without further ado:

Hatsune Miku VR

Hatsune Miku VR

Hatsune Miku VR

Hatsune Miku VR

Hatsune Miku VR

Hatsune Miku VR

Hatsune Miku VR

Hatsune Miku VR

Hatsune Miku VR

Hatsune Miku VR

Seriously. Hatsune Miku VR is, all by itself, the main reason that I am looking forward to PlayStation VR. Once that demo is turned into a fully-fledged game it is going to be grrrrrrreat.

If there’s anything else in particular that you’re looking forward to that we already know is coming to PlayStation VR (Summer Lesson, perhaps?), then be sure to let us know in the comments!

– Matt S. 
Find me on Twitter: @digitallydownld

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