Arslan: The Warriors of Legend gets a release date – Digitally Downloaded

Arslan: The Warriors of Legend gets a release date

1 min read

I’ve been keeping my eye on Koei Tecmo’s upcoming Arslan: The Warriors of Legend. I don’t know if it’s the story, the graphics, or my near-infinite trust in Koei Tecmo, but I am fascinated by the upcoming release. Now that there is a release date, I may very well start marking off the days on my calendar!

Related reading: Koei Tecmo announces Arslan.

In advance of Paris Games Week, Koei Tecmo announced that Arslan: The Warriors of Legend will be released in Europe on February 12 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 (digital only), and Xbox One. Those who preorder get a special bonus depending on the retailer: order through an independent retailer and get a weapon/armour set for Daryun, order through GAME and get a new scenario for Free Mode, or order via the PlayStation Network and get a (different) scenario for Free Mode. Both scenarios offer the chance to unlock special Limited Skill Cards.

Arslan: The Warriors of Legends is based on The Heroic Legend of Arslan novel while keeping close to the anime and manga versions. The game incorporates a new type of action called the Mardan Rush, where players can take control of special Rush units to wipe out large numbers of enemies and deal excessive amounts of damage.

– Lindsay M.
News Editor

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