My battle-hardened warriors! Unsheathe your swords, sharpen your spears, and tune the dangerously melodious strings of your Heavenly Harps! Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires, the series that mixes light battle management mechanics with mass on-field peasant-spanking gameplay, will be invading your PS Vita on November 25, 2015 as a digital-only release.
If you’ll take one moment to stop swinging your sword in excitement, you’ll remember that Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires originally released earlier this year. And like that version, this Vita version includes 83 prepossessing playable characters who, despite common attack inputs, each feel unique to command; extensive character customisation (which includes a sleeping cat you can place on the head of your hero); and an enjoyable balance between action and strategy, where good planning and performance in both areas can equally lead to victory.
Unlike the original version, the Vita version will have features specific to the handheld, though the details of said features will not be made available for the next few weeks.
So until then, you get some rest as we take first watch (and resist the urge to Musou each other to sleep).
– Jedediah H.