
2 mins read

The good folk over at PopMatters have run a review of Game Art, and saw it worth a very positive 8/10 score.

As the author, Christopher Williams, writes: “Put simply, I’m rather taken by this book and the approach that Sainsbury has taken to his subjects and subject matter. This is useful and interesting reading for the video game critic. For those who want to observe and investigate the aesthetics of the video game, I believe that you will find a kindred spirit in Matt Sainsbury.”

You can read the rest of the review here.

Kind words indeed! What I really loved about this review, though, was that Williams took from it exactly what I was hoping people would, and engaged with it in the same way that I would write analyses on the books I was reading about film back in my university days. This review was, effectively, the kind of reviews I was dreaming the book would get.

Coming on the back of the equally wonderful 9/10 reception the book got from Japanator, and I am absolutely over the moon that people seem to be enjoying this thing that I did. I can’t wait for all the DDNet readers to get their hands on it too, now! Not long to wait now.

And if you’re liking the sound of the book, don’t forget to pre-order it on Amazon, or direct through my publisher.

– Matt S. 
Find me on Twitter: @digitallydownld

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