Trailer: Gosh Mike Bithell’s new game looks great (Volume)

1 min read

Mike Bithell is one of our favourite independent developers, and that’s despite only having created one game to date.

But what a game. Thomas Was Alone is a masterpiece in narrative and storytelling, puzzle design, and aesthetic style. It’s a game that’s made its way to almost every platform out there, and it’s been a resounding success over the last couple of years.

Bithell’s been busy at work on his second game; a far more ambitious project called Volume. And now, finally, it has a release date. Volume will land on the PlayStation 4, Vita, and PCs (via Steam) on August 18.

So, what is Volume? You can check out the trailer below, which gives you a good idea, of how it plays, but basically it’s a very, very stylish and non-violent stealth game, with some vague riffs on the likes of Pac-Man.

With a seriously slick art style, Volume promises to be all kinds of style, and is yet another example of just the kind of indie projects we like to see on our PlayStation 4s.

August and September are shaping up to be especially busy times for game releases, but have a look at the trailer below and try telling me it’s not one of your most anticipated.

– Matt S. 
Find me on Twitter: @digitallydownld

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