The Friday 10; Ten reasons that I love Final Fantasy XIV more every day

8 mins read
List by Matt S.

Everyone likes a top-10 list. They’re a bit of fun, and always good for discussion. And so every so often we pull together a “top 10” list. These are here for fun and laughs – we’re not pretending that we’re the authority of good games taste in the world and this is purely the author’s preferences. Agree with him/ her or not, it’s all good.

This week we look specifically at my unhealthy obsession with Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (FFXIV: ARR). I loved it when it was released on the PlayStation 3. I loved it even more when it was released on the PlayStation 4. Now there’s a new, giant patch that offers a load more endgame content, chocobo raising, and so on. Now, after spending dozens of hours in the game, I’m not quite at that end game content yet (but I do have more than 2,000 screenshots… possibly where I’ve been wasting my time), so I haven’t quite been able to experience this new content yet, but I thought I would honour the release of the patch with ten reasons why I’m planning on continuing to play this game for a very long time into the future.

Are you still playing FFXIV: ARR? What are your favourite moments? Let us know in the comments below!

The game is gorgeous

On the PlayStation 3, FFXIV: ARR was a good looking game… on the PlayStation 4 it’s something truly special.

It’s not just that the game has highly detailed environments, enemy designs and characters. FFXIV: ARR has a gorgeous aesthetic and art direction that has, for dozens of hours now, meant that I’ve been truly excited with each and every new area in the world that I’ve discovered.

It’s a Final Fantasy game

Tonally, of course, FFXIV: ARR is an MMO first, and so it feels very different to play than other Final Fantasy games. But the more you spend time in its world, the more the unique Final Fantasy elements start to become integral to the experience.

From crystals to chocobos, cactuars to moogles, FFXIV: ARR is very much a Final Fantasy game. And that has me far more interested in it than any other MMO out there.

There is so much content, it’s obscene

MMOs are well known for having a lot of content, of course, but the fact that I’ve spent dozens and dozens of hours wandering around simply enjoying the world should stand testiment to just how large the game actually is.

There’s PVP. There’s epic boss battles. There’s a social game. There’s even a bunch of mechanics designed to facilitate tourism. FFXIV has more content than anything else you can play on the PS4, and that’s a fact.

Square Enix has plenty more planned

What’s most exciting about FFXIV: ARR is that as long as the community remains there, Square Enix is going to keep updating it with the kind of massive updates we’ve just seen.

Given that the previous Final Fantasy MMO; FFXI, is still going over a decade after it launched, there’s all kind of potential for FFXIV: ARR to become a second life all of its own. Personally I’m waiting for chocobo races to be built into the game. Yep, I have a dream of being a chocobo breeder and gambling mogul. Make it happen, Square Enix!

The game’s culture is a good one

I hate playing games online, as a rule of thumb. The anonyminity of the Internet, combined with the competitive nature of games online breeds something that, to put it nicely, is more toxic than the sludge that created the Toxic Avenger.

But in FFXIV: A Realm Reborn I was fortunate to find a nice group of people to join as a guild, and compared to games like Guild Wars, the “$1000K GOLD SWORD LOLZZZZ” spam seems to be a minimum. It’s almost eerie how pleasant my experience has been with FFXIV: ARR’s community.

The dungeons are hugely entertaining

It doesn’t matter if you’re playing an MMO or an old-school RPG; entertaining dungeon design is essential in order to keep people’s attention. And FFXIV: ARR nails this as well.

From the layout of the dungeons themselves, which take players through a gamut of fascinating scenery and escalating combat challenges that always, inevitably, result in a epic boss battle.

We’re not punished (too much) for being Australian

It sucks to be an Australian gamer sometimes. Almost no games offer local servers, which means latency all-but ruins any chance we have of being really competitive.

FFXIV: ARR hasn’t got local servers – I’m hooked up to somewhere in the US, I think – but most of the battles are designed in such a way that the really big attacks offer plenty of projection so that I’ve got time to get out of the way before they land.

The progression curve is perfect

At first players will earn levels really quickly and gain a raft of skills to play with. And then progression slows down, but instead the world opens up, offering alternative character classes, custom loot to give your character a unique look, and plenty of non-combat things to do.

By the time you hit level 50 you’ll be completely proficient and familiar with the game’s systems, and you’ll be ready for the really nasty stuff that comes after that.

I could listen to the soundtrack all by itself

There is a lot of music in FFXIV: ARR, and aside from an irritating heavy metal wannabe track when taking on a certain boss, every piece of music in the game is worth listening to in isolation. The sheer range of different themes is truly impressive.

I really, really, like my character

When you’re going to spend dozens and dozens of hours staring at a single avatar on screen, it helps to like him or her.

And I like my character. Amelia might never speak, but she moves with confidence, she’s a talented archer, and because I have a lot of control over how she develops, she’s like a comfortable glove now; she has a personality that I’ve given her through my play time, and she’s awesome.

And now it’s your turn! Share screenshots, exploits, and stories from your time in FFXIV: ARR. Comments are open!

– Matt S. 
Find me on Twitter: @digitallydownld

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