i-swear-nintendo-pocket-football-club – Digitally Downloaded


2 mins read
News by Matt S. 

When you think about Nintendo games, you’re not typically thinking “soccer simulation game.” Oh no, you’re thinking Mario Kart, or Smash Bros, or even Pokemon. But for me personally, Nintendo Pocket Football Club on the 3DS is the one to look forward to the most, and it’s out very soon indeed.

This downloadable-only game has the most ridiculously charming art style, but it promises to be a deep football management sim at the same time. Players will start by creating their team’s name, kit, and emblem, and then get to the business of creating starting line-ups and tactics.

The game features a system of training cards, which allows players to enhance their player’s performances, and this promises to be a complex system with the ability to combine cards to discover special combos that enhance attributes even further.

But what is perhaps most exciting about this game is that it promises to be very, very social. In addition to all kind of social features around SteetPass and SpotPass, Nintendo is launching a NPFC website that will be filled with statistics on people’s clubs from around the world. Players will be able to compete in online Ranking Matches and watch as their team climbs through the ranks. There will even be tournaments.

So yeah. To heck with Mario Kart and Smash Bros. April 17 sees the launch of NPFC, and that game’s going to keep me playing my 3DS for months, I suspect.

– Matt S. 
Find me on Twitter: @digitallydownld

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