Join the community for an Atlus month of gaming

1 min read
News by Matt S. 

Our good friend, Anne of Chic Pixel, organises a community game-along every month, where people are invited to play a game with a specific theme, and then share their experience over a dedicated hashtag on Twitter.

Last month’s Monster Hunter month was a huge success, and this month’s got an even cooler theme: Atlus games! From Persona to Catherine, through to the truly oddball like Rock of Ages, Atlus publishes some truly awesome games, and I suspect this is going to be  a very popular game along indeed.

The hashtag will be #AtlusApril, and I highly suggest that everyone pick themselves up an Atlus game that they haven’t experienced before (perhaps the upcoming Conception II?) and join the conversation!

For more details click here.

– Matt S. 
Find me on Twitter: @digitallydownld

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