Win a copy of Ys: Memories of Celceta!

1 min read
Ys: Memories of Celceta is due to be released in Europe and Australia very shortly on the PlayStation Vita, and to celebrate that fact, the publisher of the game, NISA, has kindly given us three copies of the game to give to our readers, anywhere in the world.

There are physical copies mind, not simple download codes, so it’s a real treat for fans of this venerable series.

As with last week’s Danganronpa competition, we’re asking you to simply sign up to our weekly newsletter to go in the running for a copy. However, just to make things a little more interesting, this week there is one more question; “What do you like about JRPGs?”

Your goal is to make us laugh. Link us to a picture, draw one yourself, write a comment; do whatever it takes to make us pick you to win a copy of the game. We’ll print the best three responses into our next newsletter, and those people will win themselves a copy of the game.

The competition closes on Sunday (Australian time), so get your entry in early!

Click here to take survey

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