Trailer: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 shows off its cinematic side – Digitally Downloaded

Trailer: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 shows off its cinematic side

1 min read
News by Matt S.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is a highly anticipated game. After the previous game finally broke the curse that said “3D Castlevania games can’t be fun,” the sequel to Lords of Shadow is going to have a lot to live up to.

We don’t expect the game itself will play vastly different to the previous game, after all why fix what isn’t broken? Rather, we expect to see a great deal of escalation; everything will be bigger, better, and more dramatic.

Which is why it’s a good thing that Konami has recruited choice actors to lend the script some gravitas. in Lord of Shadow 2 we’re going to have the likes of Robert Carlyle and Patrick Stewart giving the game a cinematic quality that should help carry the gothic setting and action-heavy script.

Because the voice actors are clearly important to the game, Konami and MercurySteam has released a new trailer designed purely to showcase their talents. This looks more like a movie trailer than a game trailer, but it had its intended effect; assuming the game plays as well as the first, I’m sold.

Enjoy the trailer! Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

– Matt S. 
Find me on Twitter: @digitallydownld

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