
1 min read
News by Matt S.

Of all the next gen games I’m looking forward to, the one I’m most keen to experience is The Witcher 3. It’s not just because the developer is part of our games as art Kickstarter project; The Witcher 2 was one of the most brilliant games I’ve played in years, and I can’t wait to see what CD Projekt Red does with all that extra horsepower.

Of course, CD Projekt Red is a developer, not a publisher, and it certainly hasn’t got a global reach, so those of us in Australia were waiting to see who would nab the publishing rights. The good news is that it’s Namco Bandai.

Namco Bandai is absolutely brilliant at looking after RPGs in this market; it successfully handled Ni No Kuni, Dark Souls, and, of course, Namco Bandai’s own JRPGs. So there’s not a doubt in my mind that it’s the right publisher to also look after The Witcher 3.

Look forward to the game in the year ahead, Aussies! It’s going to be the one that sells you the next gen of hardware (if you were still sitting on the fence).

– Matt S. 
Find me on Twitter: @digitallydownld

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