The 24 Games of Christmas! Day #9: Thomas Was Alone – Digitally Downloaded

The 24 Games of Christmas! Day #9: Thomas Was Alone

2 mins read
The tree is up, the lights are on, the stockings are over the fireplace and everyone’s getting into the eggnog. It’s Christmas and it’s the best time of year.

Nothing beats Christmas; it’s the time for fun and play, for family and friends. It’s the chance to get away from work and reset the batteries. And, of course, it’s the perfect time to knock off some of those games that you just haven’t been able to get around to.

As is tradition for Digitally Downloaded we’re going to count down the 24 games of Christmas – one a day for each day from December 1 through to December 24. The fun, the silly and the crazy, these games have been custom picked by the DDNet editorial team to give you plenty of ideas for stocking fillers, games to play with family and friends on Christmas Eve, or games you should use the extra time over the holiday to get stuck into.

 The 24 Games Of Christmas
Day #9: Thomas Was Alone

(Read our review here)

There isn’t anything about Thomas Was Alone that screams out “Christmas.” There’s no Jiggle Bells, there’s no red-and-green colours splashed about the place.

I supposed I could make the argument that it is a game that is all about telling a darned fine tale, and Christmas itself is the time for telling stories – from the Hollywood ideal of sitting around a fire reading “The Night Before Christmas” right through to the very Aussie reality that our Christmases are often so hot that there’s really not much else you can do than lie down and read a book.

But that would be a stretch… so why is this game on the list? Well, it’s very simple – it’s such a darned fine game that it’s impossible to ignore. If you haven’t played Thomas Was Alone, then you really ought to, because this is a game that will change your understanding on what makes a good game; after all, this is literally about boxes jumping around. 

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