The 24 Games of Christmas! Day #12: DuckTales Remastered – Digitally Downloaded

The 24 Games of Christmas! Day #12: DuckTales Remastered

2 mins read
The tree is up, the lights are on, the stockings are over the fireplace and everyone’s getting into the eggnog. It’s Christmas and it’s the best time of year.

Nothing beats Christmas; it’s the time for fun and play, for family and friends. It’s the chance to get away from work and reset the batteries. And, of course, it’s the perfect time to knock off some of those games that you just haven’t been able to get around to.

As is tradition for Digitally Downloaded we’re going to count down the 24 games of Christmas – one a day for each day from December 1 through to December 24. The fun, the silly and the crazy, these games have been custom picked by the DDNet editorial team to give you plenty of ideas for stocking fillers, games to play with family and friends on Christmas Eve, or games you should use the extra time over the holiday to get stuck into.

 The 24 Games Of Christmas
Day #12: DuckTales Remastered

(Read our review here)

At some point in life Christmas becomes a time for nostalgia as much as anything else. Adults reflect back on their memories as children; why else do you think so many children preserve the same Christmas traditions when they enter adulthood and have their own children?

As such it’s the perfect time for some nostalgic gaming too, and what better game for that then DuckTales Remastered? This is the double whammy – it’s playing on nostalgia for classic Disney, and then nostalgia for classic platforming.

Wayforward’s done a superb job with this remake. Truly essential for anyone who has ever been a fan of games or Donald Duck, his greedy uncle, and the triplets. 

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