Trailer: Assassin’s Creed IV makes pirating look glam – Digitally Downloaded

Trailer: Assassin’s Creed IV makes pirating look glam

1 min read
Ubisoft has released the second in its “Black Flag Diaries” video series; essentially trailers for the game with the developers talking about how awesome it is.

Of course with Assassin’s Creed IV it’s not difficult to find things to be enthusiastic about. There’s a new setting, new focus for the gameplay and an open world that promises to be even richer in terms of content than its predecessors.

I’ve got to admit, it took me a long time to become a fan of the Assassin’s Creed series. It was only really with AC 3 and Liberation on the Vita that the franchise “clicked” and I was able to start enjoying myself. But when it clicked, boy did it work for me. Assassin’s Creed 3 actually encouraged me to do some research into American history; a true sign of a game that’s inspired me, and given that I’ve already done study into the history of piracy, I’m looking forward to seeing how Ubisoft melds fact and fiction together this time around. Working under the assumption that Ubisoft has hit its stride with this franchise, I am greatly excited by the things I see in the trailer below:

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