dark-and-gloomy-can-look-pretty-too – Digitally Downloaded


1 min read
Dark Souls and its predecessor Demon’s Souls were dark, grim affairs that led to many, many player deaths. Dark Souls II promises to offer up more of the same, and the visuals continue to impress with every new batch of screenshots that get released.

The character models in the first two games had a tendency to move a little stiffly for my liking, but the environments were deliciously oppressive and gloomy. Personally, I loved that environment and I think these new screenshots show a good use of light and character detail. Oh, and the environment looks pretty creepy as well.

It’s a bit sad that this game isn’t releasing until 2014, and for the PS3 rather than the next gen consoles. We do hope that this doesn’t affect sales, but then this is Souls, and the fans will no doubt forget about those next gen consoles for months after this game releases.

– Nick H
 Senior Journalist
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