E3 2013: Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy XV are currently in development for the PlayStation 4 – Digitally Downloaded

E3 2013: Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy XV are currently in development for the PlayStation 4

1 min read
We already knew that Kingdom Hearts was getting the HD treatment, with Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX slated to release later this year. Tonight during Sony’s 2013 E3 conference, after Square Enix shared a fantastic new trailer for Final Fantasy Versus XIII with us, it unleashed a surprising trailer that revealed that Kingdom Hearts III is real and in development for the PlayStation 4. Lastly, at the very end of said trailer, the “Final Fantasy Versus XIII” logo transitioned into “Final Fantasy XV.” 
Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts fans rejoice! Square Enix looks set to be bringing some fantastic titles our way in the future. 

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