The 24 Games of Christmas! Day #4: Zen Pinball 2

2 mins read

It’s that time again! Michael Buble’s smooth voice serenades us over the radio with his brilliant rendition of “Let it Snow.” Houses are covered with bright lights, tinsel, green and red colours. Children anxiously count down the days, hoping they were good enough for a visit by Santa.

It’s a magical time, with one other little benefit – most of us also have breaks over Christmas. Breaks means time to play games!

It has been a great year for games, and no doubt there are some great ones that you’ve missed. And so we at Digitally Downloaded will count down to Christmas with one game recommendation for you each day.

Enjoy, and happy holidays!

Day #4 – Zen Pinball 2
Watch the Review Video

Jason M

Zen Pinball 2 – Zen’s pinball series really shouldn’t even need a description. We probably should have just printed the name here and left it at that.

But should you need some reasons why the steel ball action that Zen produces needs to be one of your Games of the Holidays, here are couple for you- For starters, this is perfect pinball. It’s expertly crafted and provides for an experience that’s just as much fun (if not more so) that an actual table. And speaking of tables- there are no clunkers in Zen’s catalogue, seriously they’re pretty much all good.

 Oh, and I challenge you to find something more fun that trying to best your pals score on a table. Just pure fun- even better if you’re a Marvel Comics fan since Zen’s Marvel tables would probably make any fan of Marvel’s roster smile.

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