Tiny Troopers attacked by zombies – Digitally Downloaded

Tiny Troopers attacked by zombies

2 mins read
Remember, cute lil zombies are still zombies- don’t let ’em get too close!

Is it me, or does it seem like a game can’t really be released (or updated as the case may be) these days without a zombie mode getting in there somewhere? This particular zombie mode is a little different than most though, mainly because it’s free… and has undead chickens.

Instead of just releasing a simple patch for the PC (Steam) version of the game that worked in the WASD control scheme that players had been asking for, Iceberg Interactive went ahead and crafted a whole new games mode to patch in around it- one with the slavering undead.

“Tiny Troopers has done tremendously well on iOS and Mac, recently being the #1 paid game in Mac App Store in many countries,” said Erik Schreuder, CEO of Iceberg Interactive. “The high resolution PC version now not only includes the much-requested WASD controls, but also from today, it includes additional free zombie DLC.” 

Zombie Mode features:

  • Endless waves of brain-munching zombies, including undead chickens!
  • Air-dropped crates of special weapons to lay devastation on the zombie hordes!
  • Players’ favorite special forces troopers will take down the undead!
  • Unending waves of normal and special zombies!

And as yet another enticement to get you logging onto Steam and hitting that ‘buy’ button (if you don’t already have the base game), Iceberg will be offering a 66% discount on Tiny Troopers for the next 24hours. Not bad, just remember – aim for the head.

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