The Walking Dead are Around Every Corner – Digitally Downloaded

The Walking Dead are Around Every Corner

1 min read

The subtitle to the game’s fourth episode says it all as the game reaches its penultimate chapter on PSN, PC and XBLA today.

Available pretty much everywhere as you read this (except iOS- later this year for that), episode 4 is written by Book of Eli scribe (and former gaming journo!) Gary Whitta. Around Every Corner follows Lee and Clementine as they (along with what’s left of the group) cope with the horrific fallout of episode 3.

Making their way through what’s left of Savannah, the survivors must fend for themselves against not only the risen dead, but also a very human enemy that watches from the shadows.

Telltale’s The Walking Dead adaptation has gotten all kinds of raves (including ones from us) and is, front and center, one of the most gripping and ‘can’t miss’ games of the year. If you’ve played it thus far, then it’s probably no stretch to say this one needs a download too.

The Walking Dead: Episode 4 – Around Every Corner is available now on Xbox Live, PS3 and the PC for 400mspts or $4.99 USD. iOS versions of the third chapter will be along later this month and parts 4 and 5 should be out before the end of the year.

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