Social networking apps vanish from Xbox Live – Digitally Downloaded

Social networking apps vanish from Xbox Live

1 min read

Hope you didn’t want to Tweet and/or post to Facebook from your Xbox.

Yes, it’s a tragic day for the dozen or so folks that enjoyed the idea of having the ubiquitous Twitter and Facebook functionality built into their Xbox dashboards- and yet had somehow avoided downloading the appropriate applications from the Marketplace. As of late last week, both ‘apps’ are long gone from the Xbox digital shop and are not scheduled to return.

It’s all part of the new dash update that’s slowly being pushed out to all territories and is, according to website The Verge, designed to get folks into using the new Internet Explorer functionality that the latest update brings.

Now if (by some miracle) you actually use Twitter and Facebook on your Xbox on a regular basis already, you need not worry- if you already own it you’re not going to lose it. As long as you have the App installed on your console, it won’t be going anywhere. It’s just that you won’t be able to pick it up anymore from the Marketplace.

I know there’s somebody out there who’ll probably be outraged, but is this really a big loss? Personally, I don’t think so, but then again I never use browsers or social networking apps from any console- so perhaps I’m biased.

Source: The Verge

This is the bio under which all legacy articles are published (as in the 12,000-odd, before we moved to the new Website and platform). This is not a member of the DDNet Team. Please see the article's text for byline attribution.

  • Even if I was into the whole social networking thing, I can't imagine wanting to do it on a large television screen with a controller…in a dedicated app, of all things. It seems much better suited to a tablet, phone, or handheld.

  • I have all the social networking apps on the Vita, and of course the iPad, but I never bothered with the Xbox. Seemed rather pointless to me.

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