Serious Sam 3: BFE shoots up XBLA next week – Digitally Downloaded

Serious Sam 3: BFE shoots up XBLA next week

2 mins read

Giant guns, dozens of monsters, blue jeans… yep, looks like Sam Stone is on the way to Xbox Live.

Apparently since the raging arcade shooter arrived on the PC last year, fans have been asking developer CroTeam to bring the series’ third outing to Xbox Live. Well, ask and ye shall receive.

“Ever since we announced Serious Sam 3: BFE our fans have asked us to bring the game to Xbox LIVE Arcade,” said Davor Hunski, Chief Creative Guy at Croteam. “Boom. Done.”

Chief Creative Guy… now that’s a title. Anyway-  Sam will be packing the usual achievements you’d expect form an XBLA release, a split-screen co-op mode, leaderboards, and an entirely console tailored  experience along with him. 

And even if you bought the PC game, you still might want in on the Xbox Live version because there’s actually a lot of new stuff in the virtual box. Aside from all the multiplayer stuff and the base game there’s also an entirely new expansion pack called ‘Jewel of the Nile’ included with your purchase. 

In just one week, Serious Sam fans around the world can download Serious Sam 3: BFE on Xbox LIVE Arcade for 1200 MS Points which includes the ginormous single-player, online cooperative, and spilt-screen cooperative campaign modes. The brand-new Serious Sam 3: Jewel of the Nile campaign expansion and all multiplayer versus modes like Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Last Team Standing and My Burden will be available at launch and priced at 1200 MS Points.

Not too shabby for 1200 points. Serious Sam 3: BFE will be available exclusively on Xbox Live on October 17th. 

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