oddworld-gets-new-n-tasty-for-remake – Digitally Downloaded


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Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee is making a ‘New ‘n’ Tasty’ comeback on XBLA, PSN, and the PC soon. Whether or not it’ll taste like chicken is still up in the air.

Now don’t get the wrong idea here- this isn’t just an HD remake. Developer Oddworld Inhabitants probably could have just slapped an ‘HD’ coat of paint on the original game, called it right there, and fans more than likely would have been in for just that. The off-center devs went one step further.

Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee – New ‘N’ Tasty (which was subtitled by the winner of a fan competition) will actually be a fairly new game all around. The title will feature newly recorded vocals (Oddworld is promising some fun surprises there) and sounds, as well as brand new level designs that will be in ‘full 3D’ with 2.5D gameplay.

Lorne Lanning, founder and co-owner of Oddworld Inhabitants said : “Oddworld Inhabitants is always overwhelmed by the fan dedication to Abe and the games and hope to keep them involved in the creative process for future games. We are all excited about giving a new generation of gamers the opportunity to play Abe’s Oddysee the way they deserve.”

Look for the game to appear on XBLA and PSN (for both Vita and PS3) late next year with a PC version coming along soon after.

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