Battlefield: Armored Kill and Premium Edition now available – Digitally Downloaded

Battlefield: Armored Kill and Premium Edition now available

4 mins read
Battlefield fans who want some vehicular mayhem are in luck as Armored Kill has hit download services today. Skip Battlefield 3 the first time around? Then you may want in on the just released Premium Edition.

First up, today sees the release of the Armored Kill expansion pack for B3. The pack delivers a half dozen new vehicles and four giant maps- in fact, Bandar Desert (one of the new ones) is the single largest map ever designed for Battlefield.

Starting today, all Battlefield 3 Premium members will be able to download the latest digital expansion pack, Battlefield 3: Armored Kill. Showcasing the signature all-out vehicular warfare the Battlefield series is known for, Battlefield 3: Armored Killdelivers six new vehicles for players to control. Gamers will jump in the seat of tanks, ATV’s, mobile artillery and an aerial gunship that lets gamers rain death from above as they traverse across four huge maps ranging from the snow-capped peaks of Alborz Mountains to the arid vistas of Bandar Desert – the largest multiplayer map in Battlefield history. Also making its debut inBattlefield 3: Armored Kill is Tank Superiority, a dangerously intense gameplay mode where two opposing tank platoons must battle it out for control of a single location on the map until one team has fully bleed their opponent’s respawn tickets dry.

Also available today is the Battlefield 3: Premium Edition. This is the end-all-be-all, definitive version of the game to get. If you skipped the whole thing, or even just the Premium multiplayer service and expansion packs, this is the one for you.

The Battlefield 3 Premium Edition includes:

Battlefield 3: Among the fastest selling titles in EA’s history, Battlefield 3 has sold more than 15M units since release. Lauded by game critics worldwide for its compelling single player campaign, intense co-op missions and its addictive and world-class multiplayer, Battlefield 3 has won more than 140 awards globally.
Battlefield 3 Premium membership: Battlefield 3 Premium is an innovative offering that includes immediate access to three digital expansion packs including Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand, Battlefield 3: Close Quarters and Battlefield 3: Armored Kill, as well as two week early access to the two remaining Battlefield 3 digital expansion packs including Battlefield 3: Aftermath coming in December and Battlefield 3: End Game coming in March 2013. These themed digital expansion packs introduce a massive amount of content including 20 new maps and weapons, four new game modes and more. Players will also receive new soldier and weapon camos, deeper personalization options, and advanced features making for the ultimate Battlefield 3 experience.
Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Head-Start Kit: This kit automatically unlocks 15 different weapons, gadgets and vehicle upgrades so new players can immediately jump into the fight.

All together, that’s over a hundred bucks (USD) worth of content for $59.99, which is a pretty darn good deal especially if you’re a multiplayer fan. Battlefield 3 Premium Edition (the complete package) is available now in North America and will be out tomorrow in Europe for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. The expansion packs are also available separately on the PSN and Origin (for the PC) for $14.99 and on Xbox Live for 1200mspts.

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