Hearthfire is where the home is in new Skyrim expansion – Digitally Downloaded

Hearthfire is where the home is in new Skyrim expansion

1 min read

Ever wanted to build your own home in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim? How about your own compound? Yep, there goes all your free time… again!

We’re pleased to announce Hearthfire™, the next official game add-on for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim®. As demonstrated in this just-released video, Hearthfire allows you to purchase land and build your own home from the ground up – from a simple one-room cottage to a sprawling compound complete with armory, alchemy laboratory, and more. Choose your land, customize your house, guard it from unwanted visitors, and turn your house into a home by adopting children.

Heathfire will be available exclusively for the Xbox 360 version of Skyrim (for now) and cost you 400 Microsoft Points when it goes on sale September 4th.

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