If you’ve been around for a while, have a look down the bottom of this post – you’ll see our comments platform has been upgraded! Now you can keep up to date with our hottest topics and discussions in real time – we hope it helps us be even a better source of information and ideas than even before.
Please do have a look around; hopefully it’s a helpful resource for you. Please do be in touch if you have any issues, problems, or concerns, and we’ll do our best to help you out.
I tried to use this, but my reactions wouldn't update. I don't know if many people like the new layout at all anyway!
Hello. What do you prefer about this new messaging system? What is new?
It's been out about a month (May 3 I think), and they have been doing it by "invite" or you can request an invite to it. I have personally held off on it, just because I don't like being a guinea pig on new software and RARELY update my site. The additions though are the "community" button up top, and some other functions to make tracking comments "easier". There are a few other benefits as well, not just on the commenting side. You can read more on Disqus' site about it.
As I mentioned to superphillip32 above you, they are/were doing invites to it, and you can request an invite if you haven't gotten one. That could help, and/or might be why it didn't update?
No, I got an invite. I had it on the site for a while, but the reactions wouldn't help. Thanks anyway 😉
Hi Phillip,
As Coffee mentioned, there's a new 'community' tab above the comments – this lets you keep up to date with the popular discussions on the site.
"My disqus" lets you keep track of all the conversations you're having. It's also possible to vote up and down comments now, as well as give chat threads stars.
So it should be a little more engaging, and a little more interesting to use 🙂