Here’s a reminder for all you unhappy Mass Effect fans out there- the ‘extended ending’ has officially been released.
Much was made out of the end sequence to EA and BioWare’s Mass Effect trilogy capper. However you personally felt about it, now there’s an official revised ending to the saga.
But enough people begged, pleaded, and whined- so here it is. Supposedly this new DLC pack, titled Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut, will give fans seeking “further clarity into the final events of Mass Effect 3 deeper insights into how their personal journey concludes”. Or something.
Personally, this is all after the fact. How the writers and developer in general envisioned the end to Shepard’s saga was the ending in the original version of ME3. That’s the way it should have stayed in my opinion.
But anyway, here’s the Extended Cut, so go get it. I guess. It’s available now on Origin, PSN, and Xbox Live and will be out for the European PS3 players on July 4th.
It was nice that it added some additional context to the endings, and actually made one of the endings significantly better in my opinion (the control one). Also, if you participated in the multiplayer this weekend, the 'Operation' was a success so those bonus item packs are available for download now too. 🙂