The Xbox Live Update is heroically awesome

3 mins read

The newest version of Fable, Fable: Heroes, levels up XBLA today along with Awesomenauts and one DiRTy demo.

Fable has been through the virtual ringer a bit in the last few years hasn’t it? F3 wasn’t exactly the epic adventure that the previous two editions were and then creator Peter Moleneux heads for the door to form his own studio.
Taking a break on XBLA between retail releases, the series has been painted with a super-cartoony look. Before you dismiss Fable: Heroes as being kiddish though, take a peek at it and you might actually like it. It’s definitely cute, but the game has some very nice graphical touches and actually looks like it might be a lot of fun. As a bonus, unlockables can be incorporated into Fable: The Journey (for Kinect) when it releases later this year too… wait, is that a selling point?
Also up this week is Awesomenauts. This all out action game has been a long time coming and looks like it might have been worth the wait. If you like lots of crazy blasting and making scrap metal out of piles of bots, this one’s for you.
Down and dirty race fans might want to take note of the DiRT Showdown demo that’s up as well. Usually the DiRT series delivers a solid experience and Showdown focuses on the 8 Ball event out of San Francisco, which is kind of cool- I don’t think that particular event has every been featured in a game before.




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